Why Xamarin is Bad?

Taufiq ansari
2 min readMay 6, 2021

Consumers installed over 19 billion apps in the final quarter of 2017. These mobile services provide users with a vast selection for improving their daily lives. Apps can only get more common in the future. Many companies are looking to native apps to help them meet as many customers as possible. Finding a software that allows you to build a native-like experience for any platform is the best way to go. This without having to spend additional time and resources on customized builds for each one.

One such programme is Xamarin, that enables developers to speed up the process of providing users with an august 1st. But, before you dive in, read our Cross — platform review to see if it’s the best fit for your company.

Good for Xamarin

Xamarin is a comparatively recent platform on the market that has already built a strong credibility. Its acquisition by Microsoft only contributed to its still stellar reputation. This is because it adds a things to the game, which many app developers enjoy.

C# Language

C# is a valuable asset to the whole programme, according to all Xamarin feedback. With the help of the.Net platform, this efficient language performs even better. It enables the development of high-performing applications that run on a range of electronic platforms. Xamarin gives its apps a very clean and native feel, unlike its competitors that use an interpreted solution.

Speedy App Development

As compared to other programmes, Xamarin’s code is simpler and more condensed. Xamarin allows any software developer to use rich features without being bogged down by heavy coding, that is a bonus of using the C# language. You could work on your people take in Xamarin Studio, which makes it a lot easier for you.

Matches Native Development Standards

It makes absolutely no difference what channel the customer uses. All platforms feel as good as a natively developed app when the app is built with Xamarin. There will be no crashes, UI issues, or graphics problems. Customers will not note a difference because the app operates in an effective and friendly way.

Easy Update and App Maintenance

You only need to update the source code to update your app. Then wait for the changes to spread through all of the channels you offer. You won’t have to go into each platform build separately and update the code. This feature streamlines and speeds up this process.

Supports Wearable App Devices

When Xamarin says it could be used to build for any platform, it really means it. It is compliant with all of the popular platforms and devices, but it also does a lot more. It adds support for less excellently mobile devices like Apple Watches and Android Wear. Your users will be able to use your app irrespective of which mobile device they use with this support.

